OurMagicShop - 🌈》hope-world
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«━ARCHIVE━» / 🌈》hope-world
Happy Birthday, j-hope! Has j-hope's dancing ever inspired you to get up and move or create your own dance routine? Is there a particular routine he's done in the past that takes your breath away whenever you watch it? Share videos or photos of yourself or j-hope dancing to this channel! Then, at 10AM KST on February 18th, hop into our Chit-Chat voice channel while we stream BTS dance videos and dance along (cameras optional)! If you share in this channel or if you come and hang out in VC, you'll be given the special Hope World role :rainbow: :man_dancing_tone1:
lunatalks 16-Feb-21 10:33 PM
Happy Birthday, j-hope! Has j-hope's dancing ever inspired you to get up and move or create your own dance routine? Is there a particular routine he's done in the past that takes your breath away whenever you watch it? Share videos or photos of yourself or j-hope dancing to this channel! Then, at 10AM KST on February 18th, hop into our Chit-Chat voice channel while we stream BTS dance videos and dance along (cameras optional)! If you share in this channel or if you come and hang out in VC, you'll be given the special Hope World role 🌈 🕺🏻 This channel will open 2/18 at 12AM KST (edited)
💜 17
omsjhopekiss 8
omshobicheekies 9
omshobipeace 7
CH_dogdance 6
shygrabbyhands 6
blobdance 9
omshobikiss 6
JH_kisses 6
JH_dance 9
lunatalks 17-Feb-21 09:02 AM
channel is open!! so i’m taking this as an opportunity to post one of my favorite choreos he’s done: fake love from mma2019. just the embodiment of rhythm and movement. he’s so cool porque 💜 https://youtu.be/97I3B6FRR0g
pepelove 7
Rena 🦔| BB 🥨 17-Feb-21 09:04 AM
Happy Birthday Hobi ✨ i couldn't bring a video of myself, but i will post these pictures because i really admire his dancing. Thanks to him i really want to try dancing and find my passion to it. I love you our Sunshine pepelove
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Katharsiss 17-Feb-21 09:22 AM
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ruby 루비 17-Feb-21 09:36 AM
I will never be over this, he is SO INCREDIBLY talented and powerful!!! I remember watching this for the first time and just being amazed and my jaw dropping. Happy Hobi day!!! Our sunshine deserves the world 💜🥰☀https://youtu.be/iJJSh-eEdRk
💜 5
silver booboo ( •̀∀•́ )✧ 17-Feb-21 09:43 AM
hands down my favorite videos, the first one feels so raw and and uplifting and the second one at MAMA with Jimin....... need I say more?!?!? I'm no dancer, but man, his moves truly make me feel some type of way https://youtu.be/Zq89pRZqhk0 https://youtu.be/Q_hQjxGSS7k
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Linu 17-Feb-21 09:56 AM
Happy Hobii Day💜💜💜💜
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orchidstarss ⁷ 17-Feb-21 10:01 AM
Happy hobi day everyone!!! I think this is one of my favorite hobi performances!! The energy he has is incredible and I also love the traditional aspects of the song and dance ✨ https://youtu.be/w2hn8OJbJSo
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Lila Jewel | BB 🥨 17-Feb-21 10:03 AM
Technically, none of these is really me dancing but it's all I got. 🥺 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUNSHINE HOBI!!! 🥳 vanpewpew 💐 🎂 🎁 May the days of your new year of life be filled with happines, love, fun, friendship and sunshine! Please always be healthy and stay safe! HoldyHeartyBoi pepelove omsjiminheart
💜 5
P.S.: Yes, I'm moonwalking on roller skates in that one. omsjinLUL
Stybie 17-Feb-21 10:06 AM
HAPPY HOBI DAY EVERYONE!! omshobicheekies
Bringing back boy meets evil jhope because I will never get over that performance
💜 6
snorgledort 17-Feb-21 10:15 AM
Avatar Lila Jewel | BB 🥨
P.S.: Yes, I'm moonwalking on roller skates in that one. omsjinLUL
lunatalks 17-Feb-21 10:16 AM
omg lila you’re so cool!! i definitely count moonwalking on rollerstakes as dancing 💜
Avatar lunatalks
omg lila you’re so cool!! i definitely count moonwalking on rollerstakes as dancing 💜
Lila Jewel | BB 🥨 17-Feb-21 10:19 AM
Thank you so much, Luna! 🥺 I'm glad it counts then! HoldyHeartyBoi pepelove omssugasoft
orchidstarss ⁷ 17-Feb-21 10:27 AM
!Flashing Lights Warning! I wanted to share this video I took of jhope’s just dance performance from the LY tour!
🤗 1
HoldyHeartyBoi 9
(Also omg sorry the video quality turned trashy idk why)
nia 17-Feb-21 10:35 AM
Here are some gif of hoseok dancing
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snorgledort 17-Feb-21 10:38 AM
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omssugasoft 4
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Rena 🦔| BB 🥨 17-Feb-21 10:49 AM
(i want to add to my part that i actually danced till now out of fun hehe cat )
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lilac 17-Feb-21 10:57 AM
saw this clip on twt the other day, whenever i see it i just go 🥺loveubut🥺 https://twitter.com/euph0rial0ve/status/1361111478418440206?s=21
what is an instant serotonin boost and why is it hobi’s ego performance https://t.co/k6OI3o7suT
💜 3
HoldyHeartyBoi 3
Avatar orchidstarss ⁷
!Flashing Lights Warning! I wanted to share this video I took of jhope’s just dance performance from the LY tour!
MiraYoon 17-Feb-21 11:30 AM
Thank you for be aware of this autism symptom of mine: sensitive with flashing lights
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Avatar MiraYoon
Thank you for be aware of this autism symptom of mine: sensitive with flashing lights
orchidstarss ⁷ 17-Feb-21 11:33 AM
Of course! 💜💜 It’s definitely something that’s extremely important to put a warning about as it can affect a lot of people.
🤗 1
Avatar orchidstarss ⁷
Of course! 💜💜 It’s definitely something that’s extremely important to put a warning about as it can affect a lot of people.
MiraYoon 17-Feb-21 11:36 AM
I forgot to put this trigger warning on my intro when i write about my autism and social anxiety. These two have a lot of triggers/symptoms which makes me missed some that i forget
🐿Hobi🐿 (KatHobi) 17-Feb-21 11:38 AM
We can't forget the iconic Dynamite J-Hope
this 5
💯 5
Avatar 🐿Hobi🐿 (KatHobi)
We can't forget the iconic Dynamite J-Hope
MiraYoon 17-Feb-21 11:40 AM
I like this one: He did MJ dance very well
💜 1
Avatar MiraYoon
I like this one: He did MJ dance very well
🐿Hobi🐿 (KatHobi) 17-Feb-21 11:40 AM
He really did! I'm happy he was able to show off 😂
😊 1
dimplesoul 17-Feb-21 11:47 AM
Happy Hobi day everyone! 🌷💖🌈 I’ve always wanted to create a routine for Hope World but I don’t quite have that level of expertise yet:’) One day hopefully! ☀
💜 4
omshobicheekies 3
🐿Hobi🐿 (KatHobi) 17-Feb-21 11:47 AM
Hopefully I can find more videos of Hobi on my phone 🤣
👏 6
Yoonhee 17-Feb-21 11:53 AM
An absolute legend!
💜 5
Avatar Yoonhee
An absolute legend!
dimplesoul 17-Feb-21 11:55 AM
And who can forget this iconic part of Airplane pt. 2 🔥🔥
🔥 5
Yoonhee 17-Feb-21 11:58 AM
https://twitter.com/jhopevideos/status/1338608894893989889 blowing everyone away with the In My Feelings challenge!
bringing back Hobis In My Feelings challenge bc it is iconic and deserves to be watched again [180723] #JHOPE #제이홉 https://t.co/GpD5yeLDMw
💜 7
professional bts misser kay 17-Feb-21 12:08 PM
HAPPY HOBI DAY 🥺🥺 pls look at the iconic 3J 2018 MMA practice where hobi blew my mind away, made even better with jungkook’s editing bye https://youtu.be/Uv-Z-hON5gU (edited)
💜 5
✨ 4
Avatar professional bts misser kay
HAPPY HOBI DAY 🥺🥺 pls look at the iconic 3J 2018 MMA practice where hobi blew my mind away, made even better with jungkook’s editing bye https://youtu.be/Uv-Z-hON5gU (edited)
dimplesoul 17-Feb-21 12:09 PM
🥺 1
Also I can never get enough of these frames from BME. Absolute wonders to behold
💜 6
professional bts misser kay 17-Feb-21 01:15 PM
look at the crowd SCREAM
and thats in 2011
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kitsune🔪🥒 17-Feb-21 02:28 PM
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😮 3
Look at Hobi go.... That man's flexibility is god-tier.
Avatar professional bts misser kay
look at the crowd SCREAM
dimplesoul 17-Feb-21 02:40 PM
OMG!! what a throwback; it’s incredible to see his journey as an artist through all these clips 🧡
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
professional bts misser kay 17-Feb-21 03:03 PM
right? i love watching predebut stuff 🥺
omsjinpoint 2
Kathryn 17-Feb-21 03:08 PM
i'm pretty flexible but i definitely can't get down that fast without breaking something - i could watch this forever: https://twitter.com/relatablejhope/status/1350824367148699649
the trust they have to pull off the choreo for we are bulletproof pt 2? OUTSTANDING https://t.co/JAvB5wLMZY
💜 4
Avatar Kathryn
i'm pretty flexible but i definitely can't get down that fast without breaking something - i could watch this forever: https://twitter.com/relatablejhope/status/1350824367148699649
MiraYoon 17-Feb-21 03:38 PM
me and my grandma can put our foot to our face
Tiaara 17-Feb-21 04:33 PM
Hi check this out 🥺
💜 4
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 04:38 PM
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
💜 19
omshobicheekies 13
HoldyHeartyBoi 5
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
Stybie 17-Feb-21 04:45 PM
omg you all did so well!! 🥺 💜
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 04:45 PM
thank youu bugcatblushy HoldyHeartyBoi
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
mina 17-Feb-21 04:50 PM
awwww this is so cute!!
good job!
blobmeltlove 1
Kathryn 17-Feb-21 04:59 PM
yoooooooooo! that was so great!!! mang
CH_PandaLove 1
reali 🥞 17-Feb-21 05:00 PM
that was so cute y'all did a great job !!!hobipog HoldyHeartyBoi
CH_CatBlushy 1
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
Lila Jewel | BB 🥨 17-Feb-21 05:07 PM
You guys are the coolest! This is amazing! You all did really well! I love it! HoldyHeartyBoi pepelove omssugasoft
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Bea💜 17-Feb-21 05:10 PM
Happy Hobi dayyyy!!! I have absolutely 0 ability to dance so I won't be posting here but just wanted to say I'm loving all the content in this chat Plus The Talent pls, he's so good, a pure ray of sunshine and the way he dances is just perfect, it gives me energy. So many iconic performances I can't choose one 🥺 💜 (edited)
💜 4
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 05:10 PM
thank you everyone! shygrabbyhands kisskisskiss my mom sends her thanks as well lool
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Bea💜 17-Feb-21 05:10 PM
And Chrys you all did greattt 💜 omsbombright
omssugasoft 1
Professionnal Kay misser Elwena 17-Feb-21 05:15 PM
Chrys dancer, Chrys musician, Chrys everything
this 3
cookylove 1
Avatar Bea💜
Happy Hobi dayyyy!!! I have absolutely 0 ability to dance so I won't be posting here but just wanted to say I'm loving all the content in this chat Plus The Talent pls, he's so good, a pure ray of sunshine and the way he dances is just perfect, it gives me energy. So many iconic performances I can't choose one 🥺 💜 (edited)
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 05:26 PM
you can also share your favorite hobi dance moment if you want to! and then I can give u the role HoldyHeartyBoi
it doesn't need to be you dancing lol
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
Jen Ɛ> | #1 Chrys Stan 17-Feb-21 05:27 PM
This is AMAZING!! Also your mom look so young omg i wouldn't have known if you hadn't said anything. 10/10 would stan, dance practice who??? This is the only one 😤😤😤
TH_heart 1
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
professional bts misser kay 17-Feb-21 05:29 PM
AHHHHH SO COOL you all did so well omg!!! and your mom is so cute 🥺 and you’re so adorable byeee 😭
heartbounce 1
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 05:31 PM
loool my mom will love all the compliments 😂 thank youuuu (edited)
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
you can also share your favorite hobi dance moment if you want to! and then I can give u the role HoldyHeartyBoi
Bea💜 17-Feb-21 05:36 PM
Okiii il do it when I wake up thanks🥺 💜
💜 1
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
lilac 17-Feb-21 05:40 PM
omg super talented chrys!! y'all killed it shygrabbyhands
tlKisses 1
Bea💜 17-Feb-21 06:00 PM
hoseok en su parte de tear y el traje dior https://t.co/rNTlGyPK5q
💜 4
HoldyHeartyBoi 4
And this is such a great one too, a boost of serotonin
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 06:07 PM
dior hobi
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KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 06:09 PM
A few years ago I did a tap dance routine to a part of Just Dance...I'm trying to find it now LOL (edited)
👀 3
KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 06:21 PM
I can't find it or the group birthday video I did for him NotLikeThis
😢 2
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
dimplesoul 17-Feb-21 06:29 PM
This is so wholesome! 💗 👏👏My dad often tries to do kpop moves but his back hurts whenever he tries and I’m like “dad no take it easy” 😫😅
GWcmeisterPeepoLove 1
dimplesoul 17-Feb-21 06:43 PM
Also this is technically a Hobi dance moment 😁🥰
💜 5
Avatar KitaScoop
A few years ago I did a tap dance routine to a part of Just Dance...I'm trying to find it now LOL (edited)
KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 06:45 PM
I found it on my laptop but it's huuuuuuuge
KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 07:01 PM
Help, this video is so cringey and I didn't know how to edit (still don't) and I hadn't tap danced in ages when I did it
💜 11
btSHOOKYfireeee 2
💖 1
L o v i e 17-Feb-21 07:06 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJJSh-eEdRk hi this is one of my favourite dances that hobi has ever done, hes so cool🥺. Happy hobi day everyone! 🌈 🎉
💜 6
Avatar KitaScoop
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 07:10 PM
awwww this is so cute!!
KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 07:11 PM
Thank you omsjhopekiss
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Katyakat🎀 17-Feb-21 07:43 PM
I am a baby ARMY, I still have to catch up to a lot of their vids but this one holds a special place in my heart.
💜 6
Katyakat🎀 17-Feb-21 08:04 PM
Another favourite moment from my first concert of them! (Poor screen recording quality doesnt do justice for our Hobi)
💜 5
reali 🥞 17-Feb-21 08:08 PM
alright so I didn't think this would ever see the light of day but when I was a baby army I was obsessed with boy meets evil (still am to be honest ) and tried to learn the dance...which i failed at spectacularly lol i mean what was i thinking ?? so here's a little snippet of a short official choreo/freestyle hybrid i don't even know what to call it but yeah I'm not really a dancer so keep kindness in your mind if you watch and happy hobi day everyone 🌈🌻🌼❇️☀💕🍭
💜 16
😮 3
🔥 1
Avatar KitaScoop
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professional bts misser kay 17-Feb-21 08:12 PM
i love thisss!!! so cutee
Avatar reali 🥞
alright so I didn't think this would ever see the light of day but when I was a baby army I was obsessed with boy meets evil (still am to be honest ) and tried to learn the dance...which i failed at spectacularly lol i mean what was i thinking ?? so here's a little snippet of a short official choreo/freestyle hybrid i don't even know what to call it but yeah I'm not really a dancer so keep kindness in your mind if you watch and happy hobi day everyone 🌈🌻🌼❇️☀💕🍭
professional bts misser kay 17-Feb-21 08:12 PM
omg!!!!! you did so well
pepelove 1
Avatar reali 🥞
alright so I didn't think this would ever see the light of day but when I was a baby army I was obsessed with boy meets evil (still am to be honest ) and tried to learn the dance...which i failed at spectacularly lol i mean what was i thinking ?? so here's a little snippet of a short official choreo/freestyle hybrid i don't even know what to call it but yeah I'm not really a dancer so keep kindness in your mind if you watch and happy hobi day everyone 🌈🌻🌼❇️☀💕🍭
KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 08:17 PM
You did such a great job!!
pepelove 1
Avatar professional bts misser kay
i love thisss!!! so cutee
KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 08:17 PM
Thank you uwuuuu
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
elizabeth 17-Feb-21 08:17 PM
plsss dance break iconiccccc
happy hobi day everyone!☀🌈
Avatar reali 🥞
alright so I didn't think this would ever see the light of day but when I was a baby army I was obsessed with boy meets evil (still am to be honest ) and tried to learn the dance...which i failed at spectacularly lol i mean what was i thinking ?? so here's a little snippet of a short official choreo/freestyle hybrid i don't even know what to call it but yeah I'm not really a dancer so keep kindness in your mind if you watch and happy hobi day everyone 🌈🌻🌼❇️☀💕🍭
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 17-Feb-21 08:20 PM
that was great!! shygrabbyhands
pepelove 1
Avatar reali 🥞
alright so I didn't think this would ever see the light of day but when I was a baby army I was obsessed with boy meets evil (still am to be honest ) and tried to learn the dance...which i failed at spectacularly lol i mean what was i thinking ?? so here's a little snippet of a short official choreo/freestyle hybrid i don't even know what to call it but yeah I'm not really a dancer so keep kindness in your mind if you watch and happy hobi day everyone 🌈🌻🌼❇️☀💕🍭
lilac 17-Feb-21 08:23 PM
wow ali i love it!! u nailed it ryan_army
pepelove 1
emilie! 17-Feb-21 09:31 PM
one of my top 5 fav hobi dancing clips
💜 6
onefireboi 8
never fails to live rent free in my head
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:10 PM
@reali 🥞 i didn’t know you could dance like that holy cow
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
waiting for ali’s acting video so we can call her a triple threat
omsjinpoint 2
omsjinLUL 1
Avatar reali 🥞
alright so I didn't think this would ever see the light of day but when I was a baby army I was obsessed with boy meets evil (still am to be honest ) and tried to learn the dance...which i failed at spectacularly lol i mean what was i thinking ?? so here's a little snippet of a short official choreo/freestyle hybrid i don't even know what to call it but yeah I'm not really a dancer so keep kindness in your mind if you watch and happy hobi day everyone 🌈🌻🌼❇️☀💕🍭
MiraYoon 17-Feb-21 11:14 PM
You're not a bad dancer😮 👏
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:19 PM
right? i can't believe you have the audacity to say "i'm not really a dancer" lol
So, I also thought I would not post this because it was super temp and I meant to practice more and rerecord a cleaner version, but I never quite got around to it and I don't think i'll get a chance to today... So in honor of Hobi, I will post it today with that caveat...
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btSHOOKYfireeee 6
MoonChild 🌸 17-Feb-21 11:24 PM
OMG Ling! I couldn't take my eyes off you! You're so good! tata 😍
professional bts misser kay 17-Feb-21 11:24 PM
so cool 😭😭 you are all very cool people
MoonChild 🌸 17-Feb-21 11:25 PM
right?! I could never
Avatar KitaScoop
Help, this video is so cringey and I didn't know how to edit (still don't) and I hadn't tap danced in ages when I did it
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:26 PM
ahhh this is so gooood, your rhythms are great HoldyHeartyBoi
Avatar MoonChild 🌸
OMG Ling! I couldn't take my eyes off you! You're so good! tata 😍
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:27 PM
lol if you put the video just me without the boys on the side to distract it's much worse. I've tried watching it that way and it's really cringey but side by side i think it balances out a little
MoonChild 🌸 17-Feb-21 11:27 PM
haha. I loved it! You should give yourself some credit 😀
Avatar lingding
ahhh this is so gooood, your rhythms are great HoldyHeartyBoi
KitaScoop 17-Feb-21 11:34 PM
Thank you!! I hadn't tap danced in years when I picked it up for the video, and you can't really hear the tapping as well...but it was fun :D
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:34 PM
omg why is everyone here secretly great at dance ahhhhh chrys so good!! also 1) i'm like "ahhh so this is what chrys looks like" haha 2) um your mom is so cool
💜 1
i'm really looking forward to starting a bts dance cover group now lol
Avatar KitaScoop
Thank you!! I hadn't tap danced in years when I picked it up for the video, and you can't really hear the tapping as well...but it was fun :D
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:35 PM
you can hear it!
omshobicheekies 1
this is the best bts birthday even (lol no offense to the other ones), i'm smiling so much watching all these videos
Avatar 🐿Hobi🐿 (KatHobi)
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lingding 17-Feb-21 11:44 PM
so i don't know why but i just watched this and teared up a little. something about watching someone just be ALIVE you know? powerful
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Avatar Lila Jewel | BB 🥨
Technically, none of these is really me dancing but it's all I got. 🥺 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUNSHINE HOBI!!! 🥳 vanpewpew 💐 🎂 🎁 May the days of your new year of life be filled with happines, love, fun, friendship and sunshine! Please always be healthy and stay safe! HoldyHeartyBoi pepelove omsjiminheart
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:47 PM
yesssss roller discooooo
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Avatar silver booboo ( •̀∀•́ )✧
hands down my favorite videos, the first one feels so raw and and uplifting and the second one at MAMA with Jimin....... need I say more?!?!? I'm no dancer, but man, his moves truly make me feel some type of way https://youtu.be/Zq89pRZqhk0 https://youtu.be/Q_hQjxGSS7k
lingding 17-Feb-21 11:54 PM
ooh man, I hadn't seen this and I just watched this version with hobi and jimin together: https://youtu.be/8nUQnvdWlXI
the comment: "jhope is like a fire when he's dancing while Jimin is the water. "
why is bts so amazing, i actually feel like i want to cry i love dance so much
i’m like legit getting really emotional over here
HoldyHeartyBoi 5
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MiraYoon 18-Feb-21 12:43 AM
your tapping connects to the beat though👍 👏
Avatar lingding
So, I also thought I would not post this because it was super temp and I meant to practice more and rerecord a cleaner version, but I never quite got around to it and I don't think i'll get a chance to today... So in honor of Hobi, I will post it today with that caveat...
#1 fan of Bangtan Papas | Gwee 18-Feb-21 01:07 AM
omg wow ling you're such an amazing dancer 😍
pepelove 1
#1 fan of Bangtan Papas | Gwee 18-Feb-21 01:19 AM
☀️Happy Hobi Day☀️ not really a performance but this is one of my favorite hobi videos to watch because of the way he dances with such ease and flow. also his cute lil' laugh at the endFeelsMeowMan https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/962248167654699008
#housedance #Practice #HopeOnTheStreet in JAPAN WITH @KAZANE_KASAI https://t.co/dcniTwn69v
💜 5
(*ノ・ω・)ノ♫ 18-Feb-21 01:21 AM
Happy Birthday!!! HOSEOK!!!!
🐿🦄 mang ⛅
Avatar MiraYoon
your tapping connects to the beat though👍 👏
KitaScoop 18-Feb-21 01:29 AM
That means a lot to me - I'm very particular about rhythms when it comes to dance. Thank you!
HoldyHeartyBoi 4
(*ノ・ω・)ノ♫ 18-Feb-21 03:02 AM
I Can Get A Role Please!!!
alexa 18-Feb-21 03:25 AM
Happy Birthday 정호석!!! I learned his part in Go Go for a challenge before and it was so fun. 5hobiface He's my favorite source of sunshine jh_sunshine
💜 13
Avatar lingding
So, I also thought I would not post this because it was super temp and I meant to practice more and rerecord a cleaner version, but I never quite got around to it and I don't think i'll get a chance to today... So in honor of Hobi, I will post it today with that caveat...
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 18-Feb-21 03:26 AM
Woow you rocked it! omsyeontan
Avatar lingding
omg why is everyone here secretly great at dance ahhhhh chrys so good!! also 1) i'm like "ahhh so this is what chrys looks like" haha 2) um your mom is so cool
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 18-Feb-21 03:26 AM
Lool thank u omsjkcute
Avatar lingding
i'm really looking forward to starting a bts dance cover group now lol
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 18-Feb-21 03:27 AM
That would be cool lool
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Go easy on me pls lmaaao we only trained for like 2 or 3 days for a couple of hours so it's not the most refined thing ever but we had a good time. (I'm the one with glasses and a pink jacket btw, the other two are my friend and my mom lol) HAPPY HOBI DAAAAAY CH_dogdance partycat (edited)
alexa 18-Feb-21 03:27 AM
wowwww you guys are great! You look like you had so much fun 🥺
💜 1
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I Can Get A Role Please!!!
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 18-Feb-21 03:29 AM
I gave it to u~ cat
Avatar alexa
wowwww you guys are great! You look like you had so much fun 🥺
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 18-Feb-21 03:32 AM
Thank youuu! Yess it was so much fun! I hope we can do dance sessions of kpop again after the pandemic is over partycat
alexa 18-Feb-21 03:33 AM
I hope so too!! I'm a quarantine army but I love dancing so I would love to have the chance to have fun like this with other people 2heart
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
Avatar lingding
yesssss roller discooooo
Lila Jewel | BB 🥨 18-Feb-21 04:17 AM
Yes! yoongicat I thought of tagging you but you found it. cat
♪♫⟬⟭• SukiHasABoyWithLuv•⟭⟬⁷♪♫ 18-Feb-21 04:24 AM
<_< @✧𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕩✧ dat war of hormone hobi desu
Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD 18-Feb-21 04:35 AM
Lool cute~
Avatar Chrys | Stan Jen & Stream PTD
Lool cute~
♪♫⟬⟭• SukiHasABoyWithLuv•⟭⟬⁷♪♫ 18-Feb-21 04:45 AM
i danced too much today
cat 3
Ana #EoGiYeongCha 18-Feb-21 04:56 AM
Hobi is one of my role models in dance, I absolutely love all of his dances 😍. I can't pick one moment or performance, so here's a compilation of many of his AMAZING performances and dance moments! The video doesn't have everything, but there are some dances in it which I love. https://youtu.be/ACpslkaayPw (edited)
💜 6
I would've tried to film a video of me doing a dance, but we're in the middle of moving and stuff, so there isn't much space here at home
Again, Happy Hobi Day! 🥳🥳🥳
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<_< @✧𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕩✧ dat war of hormone hobi desu
✧𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕩✧ 18-Feb-21 11:05 AM
Jo⁷ ∞| BB 🥨 18-Feb-21 04:00 PM
While every dance performance Hobi does really take my breath away, there's one that stands out for me and that is Boy Meets Evil at MAMA 2016, this performance basically made me really a fan bc I was so stunned by the way especially Hobi was able to control his body. I still love it and the song Boy meets evil to pieces, it's just amazing- omshobicheekies https://youtu.be/HoLdj46UajI
💜 3
Jen Ɛ> | #1 Chrys Stan 18-Feb-21 08:12 PM
Happy Hobi Day!! hobi_flower He's such an amazing dancer and his performances are always something to look forward to. My favorite hands down have to be the Hope On The Street videos he's done. Just watching him dance as he wants is very enjoyable to watch and I am patiently waiting for the next time he decides to make another one. https://youtu.be/zvpdQxtBhPM https://youtu.be/c3xic3n7R_s
💜 5
TamAra⁷⟭⟬💜⟬⟭ 18-Feb-21 08:13 PM
Happy Hobi Day to our amazing sunshine ARmyCrierrtime ARmyCrierrtime ARmyCrierrtime ARmyCrierrtime ARmyCrierrtime ARmyCrierrtime ARmyCrierrtime omsjhopekiss omsjhopekiss omsjhopekiss omsjhopekiss omsjhopekiss omsjhopekiss omsjhopekiss I love it whenever he stars doing his little dances on his lives, just like he did in the live where the GIF below belongs to. His lil dances really act as mood boosters and make you want to get up and dance with him! [or just sit there and cry about how CUTE AND ADORABLE HE ALWAYS IS armyfeels2 armyfeels2 armyfeels2 armyfeels2 armyfeels2 armyfeels2 armyfeels2] (edited)
💜 5
할리ᶠᵐ (🌸ꈍᴗꈍ) 18-Feb-21 08:34 PM
Happy Hobi day!! 💜 Seeing him dance always brings a smile to my face. I love that you can see how much he really loves dancing 💜
Divi⁷ 18-Feb-21 08:42 PM
Happy hobi day everyone! 💜
Avatar alexa
Happy Birthday 정호석!!! I learned his part in Go Go for a challenge before and it was so fun. 5hobiface He's my favorite source of sunshine jh_sunshine
moana 18-Feb-21 08:46 PM
Divi⁷ 18-Feb-21 08:46 PM
I fell in love with hobi the first time I saw him dancing. Out of all the members, hobi was the only member I could initially tell apart of those skills😍😍😍
Avatar lingding
So, I also thought I would not post this because it was super temp and I meant to practice more and rerecord a cleaner version, but I never quite got around to it and I don't think i'll get a chance to today... So in honor of Hobi, I will post it today with that caveat...
KitaScoop 19-Feb-21 12:32 AM
This fandom is SO talented. Like hello?!!?
✧𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕩✧ 19-Feb-21 12:41 AM
I might record myself dancing to dynamite tomorow
But probably not cuz it's probably too long to post porque I don't have nitro anymore
jiselleee 19-Feb-21 01:40 AM
does anyone want to be tagged in my hobi edit ?
🐿Hobi🐿 (KatHobi) 19-Feb-21 01:41 AM
I do please
KitaScoop 19-Feb-21 01:47 AM
What's this?
jiselleee 19-Feb-21 01:48 AM
i will be posting a hobi edit and i wanted to know if anyone wants to be tagged @KitaScoop (edited)
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I do please
jiselleee 19-Feb-21 01:49 AM
can you dm me your twt pls
🐿Hobi🐿 (KatHobi) 19-Feb-21 01:49 AM
HoldyHeartyBoi 1
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i will be posting a hobi edit and i wanted to know if anyone wants to be tagged @KitaScoop (edited)
KitaScoop 19-Feb-21 02:11 AM
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jiselleee 19-Feb-21 02:24 AM
dm me your twt pls :))
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Ana #EoGiYeongCha 19-Feb-21 03:40 AM
Me? Only if you're not done with it lol
jiselleee 19-Feb-21 03:40 AM
sure dm me your twt🥰
i will be going to sleep but i’ll post it when i wake up so if anyone else wants too just dm me💜
Ana #EoGiYeongCha 19-Feb-21 03:43 AM
mochi.nikki🦋 21-Feb-21 05:48 PM
I love hobi please watch HIS recently life Goes on video
He deserves many views
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