This is different, I know. Sometimes in life you just have to take drastic measures to accomplish your goals. And our goal, is to enjoy BTS content together! Here are all the instructions you need to get the good stuff:
STEP 1: Click here to create an account on the OMS website.
*Use a real email address as the stream information will be in the approval email.
* It will not be approved automatically. We will manually verify your purple blood status before the account is approved.
*Proceed to step 2 for verification.
STEP 2: Submit this Google Form.
*This is how we will verify you and your account to make sure you’re a real ARMY and not some imposter.
*We’re going to need your OMS discord name (ex. USERNAME#0000) If you have not joined OMS Discord, please do so here: discord.gg/ourmagicshop
*Then we’ll need some social media to verify . It can be any social media that we can contact you or verify you with (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, etc….) We can work with you if you're not active on social media. Please submit the form and we will reach out to you.
We will use all of this to sift through accounts and verify them. I know its a lot of hoops we have to jump through here but desperate times call for desperate measures! We hope we can enjoy BTS content together peacefully soon :)